Monday, April 20, 2009

k la lea

Hello Horspool clan!

Hi everybody! Here I am, once again writing you from Chile. Let's see what went down this week...

- I met a fun group of crazies! It's a newish religion that dresses up like their from a Dr. Seuss / Harry Potter book. In other words, a cloak with a funny red and white striped tall hat. And they wear it all the time. They claim to have the Melchizedek Priesthood. Interesting...

- I finally got to ask a Jehovah's Witness about their beliefs. He didn't have any answers for me... Though he did call us "Chosen..."

- We had the chance to give talks in church this week. When I got up to give a talk, I noticed a woman in the corner of the church who was someone we taught one time some 3 months ago. She decided to investigate the church! Huzzah! She tells us that she's tired of how her church is all "...near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me..." kind of thing. She was glad to see Priesthood Leaders not drunk. (Funny side note, the word for Catholic Priest in Spanish is Cura, and the word for drunk [and it might be in just Chile?] is Curado. It's like saying Priest, and Priested.)

- We killed an infestation of wasps and spiders in our study room. They were already in the midst of an epic battle, there were wasps killing spiders and spiders killing wasps. Then Horspool and Pasterfield came in and killed both with raid and feet. (It was OK though, we weren't planning on sleeping that night...)

Well, that's about it. I'm doing just fine and dandy. My comp is a goof, and we're having a grand ol' time working in the Lords Vineyard (Viña del Señor!). Hope everything is going good on the home front, hope you're all healthy and happy. Well, that'll do it for this week, have a good one gang!


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